
Just your friendly, neighborhood water experts

By October 1, 2014 February 26th, 2021 No Comments

Don’t know anything about water treatment? Don’t worry ’bout it.

Peterson Salt & Water Treatment has been the home of water experts for decades.

We have 30 years of experience in setting up Minneapolis suburbs with exactly what you need, with no sales pitch pressure. You will not be misled, given sub-par service, or roped into buying something extra that you didn’t sign up for.

We have gained a lot of knowledge about water treatment products since 1987 and we’re only getting better at it. We use our skills and knowledge to ensure that you always receive the highest quality equipment for your home or office.

We are a small business with less than 20 employees combined between both the Peterson Salt and Peterson Lawn businesses.

We work for you; we are your water experts.

Chances are good that we know you by name; know where and how you want your salt stacked in your garage, and we can tell you when you’re due for another salt delivery.

We know that each customer is different and so are the cities where you live. We want to make sure that you aren’t just getting any softener, but the right softener that is properly sized to fit your need.

We are reliable, efficient, and hard-working–and the trusted brands we offer reflect it.

We aren’t afraid of competition. For our customers, we’ll service our competitors brands like: Sears; Kenmore; Culligan or Autotrol.


We are here to help you.

Trust us and you’ll see why big company customers have switched over.



If you are a homeowner in the Hopkins area feel free to stop into our shop just south of downtown Hopkins (a few blocks from the Wendy’s on Excelsior Boulevard.)

We would love to talk to you about the different styles of water softeners that we offer. We will make a personal recommendation for you based on your household size and your specific soft water needs.

If you are interested in a free, no hassle estimate for a water softener, please call our office at: 952-929-0422. We look forward to speaking with you!