
Simple beginnings in St. Louis Park for Peterson Salt, your local water softening company

By January 16, 2013 March 1st, 2021 No Comments

Peterson Salt’s first delivery truck in St. Louis Park, MN.


As we look ahead to 2013, Peterson Salt & Water Treatment passes by an important mile-marker in our history — 25 years of serving the Twin Cities metro area.

We would like to especially thank all of our loyal customers who have stuck by us over the years as our company has outgrown more than one location and moved a few times since we first opened for business in 1987.

For Peterson Salt, St. Louis Park holds a special place in our hearts because that is where we first started up, working out of a home office. We began our business delivering water softener salt to residential homes and when we outgrew the home office we moved our salt inventory to the Hopkins Depot on Excelsior Blvd, now home to the Depot Coffee Shop. We were only at the Hopkins Depot for a short time before we realized that we would need a bigger space and that is how we found ourselves in an area of St. Louis Park called “skunk hollow.” (It doesn’t really smell that bad, we promise.)

After a few more years we outgrew our building in skunk hollow and moved to a new St. Louis Park location just a few blocks away on Cambridge Street. Finally we had found a home that would take us awhile to outgrow. We operated out of Cambridge Street for more than 10 years before we found ourselves looking for a new home for Peterson Salt.

Since we first opened for business in 1987 we have learned a lot about how to treat water for softening and drinking. We’ve gained experience repairing all types of brands such as GE, Autotrol, Fleck, Clack, Culligan, Kenmore and more. We hope that our customers have come to rely on us as the water softener guys who will always try to fix their water softener before recommending new equipment. We truly believe in good old fashioned customer service.

In closing, we would just like to again thank all of our customers, especially those in St. Louis Park, who have stuck by us throughout the years and we look forward to another great 25 years of services, starting with 2013.


Tom Peterson, President